Entered in the Register of Associations on the 26th February 1966. Registration number 91.670. Most recent changes marked on the 11th January 2022.



The name of the association in Finnish is SESKO ry and in Swedish is SESKO rf. The informal English name, SESKO Electrotechnical Standardization in Finland, can be used in international context. The association is registered in Helsinki.

The purpose of the association is to act as the Finnish National Standardization Committee for the Electrotechnical sector. In order to fulfil its purpose, the association

1) acts as a Finnish National Standardization Committee within the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as well as within the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).

2) drafts and adopts Electrotechnical National Standards.

3) prepares and develops standards through the experts within its committees and working groups.

4) practises publishing, consultation and communication activities.

5) delivers International and European Electrotechnical Standards.

6) is involved in the coordination of both National and International Certification Actions.

7) acts in conjunction with the Finnish Standards Association SFS and other national and international parties in standardization and certification.



A registered association, governmental organization or other society that have legal capacity and uses standards or participates in standardization can be accepted as a member of SESKO. The members are approved by the association meeting.

Members of the association form three groups:

Group 1 includes the main entities in the field representing the largest user and interest groups of the Electrotechnical Standards such as Electrotechnical Industry, Electrical Contractors and Grid Occupants.

Group 2 includes business communities, authorities, testing and inspection organisations as well as other corresponding public or private communities representing significant user or interest quarters. 

Group 3 includes all the other communities interested in Electrotechnical Standards, for example professional associations and societies.


Resignation may be tendered by giving written notice to the Board or the President of the Association, or announcing it for the minutes in an association meeting. Membership shall not expire until six (6) month after the given date has past and the member is still obligated to pay the annual fee for the full calendar year during which the resignation occurs.

A member who neglects the obligations stated in the statutes of the association, or harms the interests of the association by action, may have its membership revoked by decision of the Board.

A resigned or revoked member will not be entitled to refunds on payments already carried out or prescribed fees.


The association may invite an individual, who has acted in favour of the association with special distinction, as an Honorary Member or Honorary President provided there is the unanimous proposal of the Board.


5. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Association is held in March with the following items being covered:

1) The annual report of the previous year is presented.

2) The financial statement of the previous calendar year is presented, and having reviewed the auditor’s report of that year, is approved allowing the Board and other responsible persons to be discharged from liability of the accounts.

3) The budget for the following year is tentatively reviewed.

4) Other matters on the agenda are raised.

Any issue, which a member desires to put on the table in the Annual General Meeting, must be presented to the Board of the Association in writing by January at the latest.

6. Election Meeting

The Election Meeting of the Association is held in November with the following items being covered:

1) Compensation for the members of the Board and the Executive Committee as well as the premium for the auditors is determined.

2) President of the Board is elected.

3) Board members are elected.

4) Deputy members of the Board are elected.

5) An auditor and deputy auditor is elected.

6) The Action Plan and the budget for the following year, including a decision on membership fees, are confirmed.

7) Other matters on the agenda are raised.

Any issue, which a member wants to put on the table in the Election Meeting, must be presented to the Board of the Association in writing by September at the latest.

The Executive Committee, together with the Managing Director, prepares the election of the Board members for the Election Meeting.

Member communities will receive the assignment request letters or emails no later than eight (8) weeks before the Election Meeting. Member communities shall inform their candidates at least three (3) weeks prior to the Election Meeting. The meeting is not bound to the set candidates.

7. Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association may be held should the Board consider it necessary or should at least a 1/10 of the members entitled to vote request it in writing for a matter reported to the Board. Such a meeting shall be held within a month of the request being received by the Board.

8. Notice of meeting

Invitation to an Association Meeting must be verifiably sent via post or email to the address given by a member at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.

The Board may also invite persons other than representatives from the Member Communities to the meetings, should their presence be considered desirable.

9. Attending meetings

In addition to physical attendance, board- and association meetings can be attended via mail or telecommunication, as well as other technical means during or prior to a meeting.

Communication channels accepted by the association include mail, electronic mail and other channels explicitly approved by the board.

10. Voting in meetings

Each Member Community may have one or more representatives participating in an Association Meeting. However, only one representative may use the member’s right to vote.

Every member has one vote. The decision shall be taken by a simple majority of votes. In the case of a tie the chairperson of the meeting holds the deciding vote. This is not the case for elections as they are cast in lots.


11. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the President, who is also the Chairperson of the Association, and at least six (6) but no more than nine (9) full members. They and their personal deputies, as well as the President and his/her personal deputy, are elected among the Member Communities in Election Meeting for a period of three calendar years at a time. Annually, one-third (1/3) of the full members retire.

The same person may act as a full member on the Board for a maximum of two periods in a row.

Board members are elected in accordance with the following principles:

Group 1 consists of a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) elected full members and their corresponding personal deputies.

Group 2 consists of a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) elected full members and their corresponding personal deputies who are selected primarily from the community of members other than that of the full member. The members shall be elected equally so that there is always at least one representative from authorities, testing and inspection organisations and at least one member representing the business sector communities.

Among group 3, two (2) full members are elected along with a corresponding number of personal deputies representing primarily Member Communities other than that of the full members.

The Board will elect the Vice President from among its members.

The Board will convene at the invitation of the President, or in his absence of the Vice President, or when at least two members of the Board request it.

A quorum is present when at least half of the Board are in attendance, inclusive of the President or Vice President.

Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of vote. In the case of a tie the chairperson of the meeting holds the deciding vote. This is not the case for elections as they are cast in lots.

The Board may appoint an Executive Committee from among its members consisting of the President and Vice President of the Board accompanied by a maximum of three (3) other members in order to assist with the arrangements and management of current affairs. The Board authorizes assignments for the Executive Committee.

12. Role of the Board

The Board is obligated to:

1) answer for the association’s general management and affairs,

2) approve general guidance for Electrotechnical Standardization and Certification,

3) appoint and dismiss the Managing Director of the association and determine the terms of his/hers contract of employment in addition to giving guidelines for hiring other personnel,

4) manage the association’s publishing activities and approve the drafted standards proposals,

5) establish standardization committees and follow up groups for given technical standardization issues,

6) appoint experts or delegations to their field on the international and European level related to their Technical Committees,

7) be in charge of the strategies and operational priorities for the association,

8) draft the Action Plan and budget proposal for the following year,

9) convene Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings and prepare items for the agenda.

13. Association’s Office

To assist the Board and the Executive Committee, the association maintains an office led by the Managing Director.

14. Signing the Association’s name

The association’s name is signed by the President and Managing Director, respectively.



Standards are drafted within Board founded committees and their working groups, where the experts participate in the preparation and drafting of standards.


16. Membership fees

Members shall pay an annual membership fee for which the amount and the due date are determined by the Election Meeting.

For economic support, the association can receive government subsidies, donations and other financial support.

17. Auditing

The association’s accounts are being closed by each calendar year. Financial statement with the relevant attachments as well as the minutes of association meetings and board meetings together with the Annual Report shall be given to auditors by February 15th next year. The auditors shall then provide the Auditor’s Report and Audit Opinion by February 28th of the same month.



Changing the statutes requires at least two thirds (2/3) of the votes given during an association meeting.


Dissolution of the association requires decisions in two successive Association Meetings with at least two thirds (2/3) of the votes for the proposal given in both. There must be at least one calendar month between these meetings.


If the association is dissolved, the remaining funds will be donated to one of the societies or foundations which act within the same field and have the legal capacity.